
Money if necessary to cross the difficulties

Fast development of textile industry such as low cost, Bangladesh in the past 10 years, become a number of international well-known clothing brands overseas processing. However, there are many production safety hidden danger and accident frequency. Rana building collapse events but also refresh the record of the number of deaths.After the tragedy,Class 150lb Welding Neck Flanges ASME B16.5 global retailers and brand developers begin to pay close attention to fire and safety production condition of Bangladesh, requires factory owners to employees a raise, improve safety standards, strengthen the routine inspection. But the Bangladesh garment manufacturers worry that excessive wage pressures, enterprises have no spare money to improve the safety in production facilities. However, they got the external support.

Headquartered in the United States, the bangladeshi workers security alliance, said its members have raised $100 million to help Bangladesh factory to improve safety standards. So far, three factories to sign relevant documents and total between $1 million to $2 million.Bangladesh workers mace, rabin, managing director of the security alliance (MesbahRabin), according to have picked out the 720 factories,Longitudinal Welded pipe and tube these factories are meet the standard of supply chain before. Among them, 400 have accepted the safety inspection.
Part of the western retailers also said they would continue to work with Bangladesh suppliers. Britain's Tesco supermarket (Tesco) has said in a statement,schedule80 a53 hot dip galvanized steel pipe willing to cooperate with Bangladesh factory increase the workers' pay, shorten the workers working time.

Babylon's edda toure is feel they still lucky, part of the customer has agreed to raise prices, but the price increase is far less than the range of the worker's wages rise.


More than 10 provinces set goals "right"

Xu Yaotong thinks, in the open system of administrative approval list, under the guarantee of expected this year to remain reform last year,Long radius 90 deg A234 pushing elbow local governments how to follow up is the key problem this year.

In November last year, li also talked about the importance of the reform of local, "if the central government reform is last, local governments' reform is next, move on if the motionless,carbon steel ERW A106 steel pipe head turn don't turn, change of government function and institutional reforms may become" fake change ", "empty shakes a gun".

He said the local government function change ", and "should be stressed.Central, is put to the market power transportation, take the function of central devolved to local good mind;Put, is the power at the corresponding level should be practical and down and put in position.Tube,large diameter steel pipe low pressure fluid linepipe is where the things of the tube to tube, tube in place.Preliminary statistics, as of yesterday, Shanghai, shanxi, hainan, chengdu, lanzhou, such as more than 10 provinces have made the annual plan of the reform of the administrative examination and approval system.Hainan, for example, construction project time limit for examination and approval of investment plan for 37 days from 799 days compression, lanzhou and chengdu will adopts the system of "power list".


State to pilot the board of directors, general manager of "direct"

Sasac 7 news, deputy director of the state-owned assets supervision and administration Huang Shuhe in qiushi magazine recently wrote, state-owned assets supervision and administration is rushing to study, modify,JIS stpg410 seamless tube further deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises.Sasac will this year from direct management of central enterprises in the selection of several selected directly by the board of directors and management managers (including the general manager) of the pilot.In qualified state-owned entreprises form or restructuring state-owned assets investment operating company pilot, sum up experience, based on the pilot.Early start assets supervision system of laws, regulations, revision of the perfect job.For policy of the state of business business and operational business to distinguish and classified on the basis of the inspection.

Huang Shuhe said that the key point of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises is grasp two key links.One is to speed up the reform of state-owned enterprise equity diversification,schedule 80 black butt welded pipe fittings actively develop the mixed ownership economy.Another key is to deepen reform of management system of state-owned enterprises, improve the perfect modern enterprise system.

In advancing the reform of state-owned enterprise equity diversification, to develop a mixed sector of the economy, the state-owned assets supervision and administration of the basic idea is: to accelerate the reform of state-owned enterprises, especially parent level of corporations, joint-stock, further optimize the structure of state-owned enterprise.Mainly adopts four forms: a small number of state-owned enterprises and state-owned capital to the country's security investment companies, state-owned capital operation, can be in the form of wholly state-owned;Involved in important industries and key areas of the national economy of the state-owned enterprise, can keep the state-owned absolute holding;Pillar industry and high-tech industry sectors such as referred to in the important state-owned enterprises, can keep the state-owned relative control;State-owned capital does not need to control and can be controlled by social capital of the state-owned enterprises,carbon steel 90-degrees angle welding pipe elbow can take the form of state-owned shares or all of the exits.Through a variety of ways to promote qualified listed state-owned enterprise restructuring, temporarily do not have listed conditions of state-owned enterprises by introducing all kinds of investors, to realize equity diversification.Encourage with capital, technology, management advantages of strategic investors and the social security fund, insurance fund and equity investment funds and other institutional investors to participate in the restructuring and reorganization of state-owned enterprises.


Business conference held in Beijing China

On January 12, the 11th China finance and economics of the list and leave again "Chinese reform" finance and economics conference recently held in Beijing, China, designed by the China securities market research center at the conference (SEEC) and HeXun jointly organized.Conference around the theme "China reform start again",PN10 rf pl flange din standard flange drawing to discuss the reform route after the third plenary session of China's development and the direction of financial reform strategy, in addition, the conference also issued a white paper with dispatch 2014 macroeconomic forecasting.

HeXun CEO zhang fang at the annual meeting, points out that is the outbreak of the financial reform in 2013, during the year, market-based reform of interest rates, bank reform,SCH80 4" Threaded Elbow Long radius capital market signals.Capital markets, in particular, many vibrations in before and after the third plenary session of the market, this shows that a series of reform are in-depth development of China's economic transformation, from the emphasis on the traditional industrial transformation to the further adjustment of financial support to industry.
BBS on the same day, standing deputy chief editor of HeXun Wang Zhengpeng issued the white paper with dispatch 2014 macroeconomic forecasting."White paper" shows that: 87% of the economists believe that in 2014 China's economic growth of between 7% and 8%;84% of the economists believe that in 2014,ASTM 2 inch black painting Seamless Steel Pipe china suppliers the CPI will be controlled at 3% - 5%;50% of the economists believe China will be tight liquidity in 2014;81% of the economists believe that 2014 yuan is still in the appreciation, about between 1% and 3%;More than half of the economists believe that 2014 Chinese residents of final consumption as a share of GDP will reach about half.


More than 30 JingXiong steel electric dealer

Dong Baoqing revealed that at present the department in charge of tracking steel e-commerce has amounted to more than 30.Including baosteel, shougang, hangang, masteel, shagang, wisco,carbon steel pipe fitting butt-welding LR elbow 45 Degree valin iron and steel and other steel production enterprises to establish the enterprise of iron and steel, e-commerce includes established by a steel trade enterprises or enterprise IT industry grade steel e-commerce.

Dong Baoqing said the steel e-commerce operation way of trading, business model, different varieties, current development scale, and so on and so forth.He pointed out that the plant steel e-commerce platform to build the spot trading systems, electronic procurement, steel spot centralized trading system, customer order query system four systems,Seamless Steel Pipes used for mechanical made in China a representative in the steel mills to build platform.

IT companies who find stencil in company profile, said the company was established in 2012, from the right from the beginning, has won the male cattle, sequoia capital, partners China and perilous peak huaxing, very serious fund at home and abroad well-known fund three rounds of investment.Analysts said the stencil now find dealmaking business completely free on both the buyer and the seller;Rebates for steel mills DaiMai resources can not be offset, storage and service costs, profit model is unclear,api 5l x52 seamless steel pipe "they made losses of 3-5 years (prepare)", quickly become bigger and stronger to free way, hoping to attract more large steel mills, big dealers and purchasers in their platform to buy and sell goods, "as long as the volume large enough platform can build successful, profit growth will appear", "this can be reference to taobao successful experience".


Rapid growth in China's coal imports

In recent years, the rapid growth in China's coal imports.According to customs statistics, in 2011 China imported 180 million metric tons of coal, 290 million tons in 2012.Industry experts predict that China's coal imports in 2013 and will reach 320 million tons.
At the same time,a105 industry standard welding neck flange China's coal demand growth is on the decline.China coal industry association, director of the economic YunHangBu Wang Zhanjun predicts that China's coal consumption growth in 2014 at about 3%, a sharp decline in consumer demand growth will inevitably lead to coal KuiSunMian excess production capacity, prices, enterprises to expand.


High-end projects focused on

Steel mills are aimed at high-end products, the reality of the economic downturn and the high-end product demand is not prosperous, eventually high-end steel can only sell a low price.In recent years, the steel industry high capacity in explosive growth. According to introducing,A106b steel tube large diameter ERW steel pipe before the implementation of "the iron and steel industry development policy" in 2004, the national board only 19 sets of mill, 2012 up to 86 sets, capacity utilization rate fell to 59% from 80%, the supply and demand relationship.

According to analysis, in order to "aristocratic" in the steel plate, for example, large steel enterprise flourished in recent years a large number of production capacity,SCH80 ERW Steel Pipe because the product specificity is stronger, the market demand is limited, cause serious excess capacity.At the same time, having been in short supply and high added value of hot rolled plate volume, as the change of supply and demand, is now retired.

Hebei a large iron and steel enterprises, officials say, a few years ago by the transformation and upgrading of climate impact, some steel mills produce high value-added products, only above grade wood, but in the high-end product demand is limited, can not achieve economies of scale. Under the prospect of the overall market demand is weak,schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe have to low noble head, and small and medium-sized steel mills take grade wood job, leading to serious homogeneity competition. Downstream users saw the situation is, with a tender and the price drop down again.

After the transformation and upgrading of industry have not been able to get rid of excess capacity, still on the verge of loss. According to the China iron and steel association, according to data from this year, iron and steel industry as a whole difficult operation. From January to July, the country's crude steel production growth of 7.1% year on year,Carbon Steel butt-welding equal tee compared with only 2.1% increase over the same period of last year, the industry average profit rate is only 0.23%.

Some large state-owned iron and steel enterprises in the economic information daily, reporter interview, mainly due to the excess steel production capacity of private steel enterprises production capacity greatly increased. They point out that private accounts for only 7.7% of the national steel production in 2000, after 10 years of development, up to 48.4% in 2012, private steel capacity increment accounted for the major share of the existing steel overcapacity, the entire steel industry concentration rise but not fall.
The above situation does exist. A weekly meeting for staff drum strength son a private steel mills in hebei boss said, the last August, steel mills lost $1, but considering the stability, he won't be cut sharply.